Better for your health, for your clothes, and for the planet.

Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning for a cleaner, greener tomorrow.

Eastern Drycleaners has your health, clothing and the environment at the forefront of everything we do. We only use modified alcohol, Hydrocarbon and Lagoon Wetcleaning - the most advanced cleaning technology available today.

We are committed to investing in sustainable environmental practices. Continued investment in the latest environmental technology not only applies to the way we clean but also the reduced packaging materials, such as poly bags and wire hangers.


Proud to be a finalist for

Most Sustainable Business Award


An end-to-end environmentally friendly dry cleaner.

Being an end-to-end environmentally friendly dry cleaner doesn’t just mean what type of dry cleaning solvent you use, it also refers to the other waste-producing products you use, such as single-use plastic bags, and single-use wire hangers.